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Blushing Birthday Wishes Flower Bouquet


Celebrate a special day with our “Blushing Birthday Wishes” bouquet, a charming arrangement of soft pink blooms that radiate happiness and joy. Perfectly wrapped and designed to bring a smile, this bouquet is ideal for brightening someone’s birthday. With delicate pink flowers and a festive presentation, it’s the perfect way to send your heartfelt birthday wishes and make their day unforgettable.

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  •  Flower: 8 premium pink Rose
  • Fillers: White Gypsophila
  • Wrapper: Pink colour  Plastic Wrapper And White Tissue
  • Tied with White Ribbon
  • Happy birthday wishes card


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Two light pink, 2 deep pink, 2 red roses wrapped with off-white Wrapper And white ribon used to tide up
Quantity: 1
Total 432.00

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