Agartala's premier gifting brand.

Delicate Rose Bouquet


“Soft morning light caresses a delicate bouquet of blush roses, their petals unfurling gracefully against a backdrop of verdant foliage. Each bloom whispers of elegance and tenderness, while gentle shadows dance around their slender stems, casting a captivating allure. The scene exudes a timeless charm, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature’s most delicate treasures.”

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Product Details:

    • Premium Red rose: 1
    • Fillers: White Gypsophila and Green fillers as per availability
    • Wrapper: Peach Color Plastic Wrapper And OffWhite Tissue
    • Tied with White or Golden raffia Ribbon

Delivery Information:

Please note that the displayed image is for reference only.

The actual product may vary in shape or design based on availability.

Our flowers may be delivered in various stages of bloom—fully bloomed, semi-bloomed, or in bud form.

The delivery time selected is an estimate and is subject to product availability and the destination address.

Given the perishable nature of flowers, we can attempt delivery only once.

Kindly ensure the delivery address provided is accurate as redirection to another address is not possible.

Please be aware that this product will be hand-delivered and not sent via courier service.


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