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Scarlet Romance – Red Rose Bouquet


Celebrate love and affection with this stunning bouquet of Seven premium red roses, hand-tied and elegantly wrapped in cream-colored paper. Accentuated with lush greenery and finished with a satin ribbon, this bouquet is perfect for expressing deep emotions on special occasions like anniversaries, birthdays, or romantic gestures. The attached floral-themed card allows you to add a personal touch with a heartfelt message.Make any moment unforgettable with this timeless arrangement of fresh roses, guaranteed to brighten the day of your loved one.

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  •  Roses: 7 premium Red Rose
  • Wrapper: White Plastic Wrapper
  • Tied with Red Ribbon


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6 Fresh Red Roses wrapped with premium White paper and a red ribbon used to tide up.
Quantity: 1
Total 599.00

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