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Sweet Pink Serenade Bouquets


Embrace the charm of delicate pink blooms with our Sweet Pink Serenade Bouquet. This beautifully arranged bouquet features a harmonious blend of soft pink roses and seasonal fillers, all wrapped in stylish, eco-friendly packaging. Perfect for celebrating special moments, expressing gratitude, or sending heartfelt wishes, this bouquet radiates warmth and tenderness. Whether it’s for birthdays, anniversaries, or “just because,” the Sweet Pink Serenade is a lovely choice to convey your emotions.Add a touch of sweetness and elegance to someone’s day with this stunning bouquet from Zivmart!


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  •  Roses: 7 premium pink Rose
  • Wrapper: Baby pink Plastic Wrapper And Transparent weapper
  • Tied with pink Ribbon


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8 Pink Roses wrapped with premium pink paper and a Pink dotted ribbon used to tide up
Quantity: 1
Total 699.00

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