Agartala's premier gifting brand.

A Luxurious Abundance Of Red Roses Bouquet


Indulge in the opulence of our “Crimson Embrace” bouquet, a stunning collection of velvety red roses encircled by delicate baby’s breath. Wrapped in classic kraft paper, this bouquet is the perfect fusion of romance and elegance. Whether for anniversaries, weddings, or a grand gesture of love, “Crimson Embrace” is designed to leave a lasting impression, captivating hearts with its timeless beauty and charm.

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  •  Flower:  50 premium Red Rose
  • Fillers: White Gypsophila
  • Wrapper: Peace colour  Plastic Wrapper
  • Tied with a juit Ribbon
Flower Quantity

20 Roses, 30 Roses, 50 Roses


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